We started our research work by defining the key words of our question. Then, during the whole process of this research, we kept adding new words which have been recurrent in the reading of scientific articles and in the study cases, with the goal of creating our own glossary. Those recurrences are evaluated by two methods, the first one is to use word occurrences counter software, and the second one is to select a word based on the perception of the importance of the words during the reading of study cases.
Our main sources of information are the glossaries of the IPCC and UN. We selected them for their trustworthiness and their international renown. Furthermore, both organisms are experts in various scientific fields, making their work of definition cross-disciplinary. However, when one word needed a more precise definition or is not defined in any of those glossaries, we searched for a definition in scientific articles, knowing that the definition found might be monodisciplinary.
To simplify the reading of the web document, we will attach a hyperlink to the words defined in the glossary when they appear for the first time in the page to redirect towards the glossary.