The term “resources” refers to the means, instruments, and elements mobilizable to face the Risk of flooding. These resources encompass a diverse range of tools, including financial, legal, and technical, which are essential for effective and preventive flood management. The complexity of this management involves a coordinated orchestration of these resources, which must be thoughtfully arranged and strategically mobilized. Faced with the Risk of flooding, resource management becomes crucial, requiring skillful coordination of financial, legal, and technical tools. But how are these resources organized and utilized? That’s where it gets interesting !
Our section delves into this jungle by examining the available financial, legal, and technical tools. We also dispel the confusion surrounding the term “resources,” often a catch-all. No monotonous list here ! We delve into their utility, relevance, and how to optimize them. The order of presentation is not a roll of the dice but follows a thoughtful logic. We explore concrete cases and even forgotten resources.
As a bonus, we unravel the mystery of Social justice often overlooked in this context. How to adapt these resources to varied situations and combat growing inequalities? Burning questions that we address directly. Our dive into resources facing floods promises practical answers and insightful perspectives. We make you want to dig deeper by showing just how crucial it all is !
Solaris Project, Case studies, 2023