- Flood Risk Management: a wide variety of stakeholders
- 1. National Institutions: Guardians of security
- 2. Local Institutions: Stakeholder on the ground
- 3. European Union: Coordinator of Transboundary Initiatives
- 4. Inhabitants: Multidimensional Role
- 5. Rescue Services: First Responders in Crisis
- 6. Private Groups: Civil Society stakeholder
- 7. Decisions, Implementation, and Consultations
- The Necessity of Communication Adaptation
- Explanations for the Lack of Consideration for Social JusticeCONCLUSION
Flood Risk management is a multifaceted challenge that involves a diverse array of stakeholders, each with unique roles, responsibilities, and competencies. The effectiveness of flood Risk Adaptation Policies depends on the collaboration and communication among these stakeholders, ranging from national and local institutions to private groups and residents. In this presentation, we delve into the intricate web of stakeholders involved in flood Risk management, exploring their competences and responsibilities. The communication strategies employed in this context play a pivotal role in ensuring the success of Adaptation Policies. From national and local governments to European coordination, from technical experts to residents, the engagement of each stakeholder is crucial for a comprehensive and resilient approach to flood Risk.
Solaris Project, Case studies, 2023